In 1999, Jerome Maldonado bought a vacant lot and spent 5 months building a house.

He sold it and made $85,000.

Since then, he has become a master of ground-up construction deals.

He has built single-family houses and 100-unit multifamily developments…

And he’s currently crushing it on some massive projects!

I asked him to join me on the 7 Figure Flipping Podcast today to share his story and his business model…

After hearing the details, my mind is blown…

Check out the interview!

Later this week Jerome is hosting a live event called Real Estate Domination in Las Vegas, NV! It’s happening November 4-6.

I’m going to be there as a speaker…

Taking the stage alongside some incredible real estate experts and business owners.

Come hang out with us!!!

If you’re interested in new development or ground-up construction, this event is for you… hit the link to learn more and sign up!

CLICK HERE to Learn More >>

Catch you on the flip side!

Links & Resources

Jerome Maldonado is hosting a live event called Real Estate Domination in Las Vegas, NV on November 4-6, 2022. I’m going to be there as a speaker, taking the stage alongside some incredible real estate experts and business owners. Come hang out with us! If you’re interested in new development or ground-up construction, this event is for you… hit the link to learn more and sign up!

CLICK HERE to Get Your Ticket to Real Estate Domination >>

Flip Hacking LIVE

Every year 100's of real estate investors come to Flip Hacking LIVE... and many of them go on to reach $1,000,000 or more in gross profit flipping and wholesaling houses using the systems and strategies they learn at this 3-day "breakthrough" event. Will you be next?

I want to know more

Links and Resources

Flip Hacking LIVE 2023 is over... and we had a lot of fun! Click the link below, and we'll notify you when registration opens for our NEXT event! If you want to learn the exact systems and strategies the nation’s top house flippers and wholesalers are using to flip 100s of houses per year, reserve your spot today. Hit the link below to sign up!


If you’re an experienced real estate investor and you’re ready to get around a community of active house flippers and wholesalers who will support you, hold you accountable, and push you to set goals that inspire you as you grow your business, check out 7 Figure Altitude and see if it looks like a good fit. If it is, I invite you to fill out a quick application to join. If you have any questions, reach out!



Want to continue your house flipping / wholesaling journey? Here are a few more resources to check out…

Subscribe: Join the 7 Figure Flipping email list to get the latest house flipping and wholesaling secrets, plus insider access to real estate investing tips, training, and more! Click Here:

7 Figure Flipping Podcast: Subscribe and get more episodes like this one delivered to you every week! Click Here:

Facebook Group: We’ve built a community of serious investors who are learning and growing their businesses together. Join the Group on Facebook:

Grow Your House Flipping / Wholesaling Business WITHOUT Guesswork or Trial-and-Error

Find out EXACTLY what you need to be working on TODAY to do more deals, make more money, and free up your time.

Take The Quiz Below!

All Episodes

7FF 739: How This Former Marine Makes MAJOR Profits on Flips
September 19, 2024
7FF 738: From Full-Time Teacher to 7-Figure Real Estate Investor
September 17, 2024
7FF 737: How to Financially Retire by 30 (If You Really Want to…)
September 12, 2024
7FF 736: The BEST Way to Determine Your Max Allowable Offer (MAO)
September 5, 2024
7FF 735: What’s Happening with Flip Hacking LIVE This Year???
August 29, 2024