Can you imagine flipping your third house by the time you were 14 years old?

Oliver Whitefield is in the middle of his…

He’s been learning real estate from his dad, Ryan Whitefield, since he was 13, and this father son journey might be the most inspiring stories I’ve EVER heard…

‍Here's how he did it (and some advice for the parents listening)!

Listen in now!

This is what I wish schools were teaching kids…

…things like financial literacy, investing, credit scores, and how this impacts you later in life.

These are the foundational building blocks of the Teenage Tycoon Mastermind. If you want your kids to be surrounded by entrepreneurial kids like Oliver and Sophia Mendez, click the link below to hop on a call with my team and learn more about this facilitated program for grades 6-12.

Teenage Tycoon Mastermind >> 

Catch you on the flip side!


Check Out Oliver’s NEW YouTube Channel!


Can you “scale” a real estate investing business so it runs “without” you… while doing MORE deals than you ever thought possible? Inside the 7 Figure Altitude mastermind group, you’ll meet and network with some of the nation’s most successful real estate investors and tap into the exact business systems they’re using to INCREASE and AUTOMATE their deal flow while working just a few hours per week. You’ll connect with a tribe of action-takers who understand what you’re going through and the challenges you face as an entrepreneur. If you’re ready to remove yourself from the “day-to-day” operations of your business so you can get your life back and stop working 80+ hours per week, apply to join 7 Figure Altitude!


Teenage Tycoon Mastermind

The biggest impact we'll make in this world is the impact we make on our kids. In the Teenage Tycoon Mastermind, we're empowering kids and teens to take control of their financial future—giving them the skills, success habits, community, and mindset training our nation's public schools AREN’T teaching them, so they can make money on their own terms RIGHT NOW and for the rest of their lives!

I want to know more

Links and Resources

Flip Hacking LIVE 2023 is over... and we had a lot of fun! Click the link below, and we'll notify you when registration opens for our NEXT event! If you want to learn the exact systems and strategies the nation’s top house flippers and wholesalers are using to flip 100s of houses per year, reserve your spot today. Hit the link below to sign up!


If you’re an experienced real estate investor and you’re ready to get around a community of active house flippers and wholesalers who will support you, hold you accountable, and push you to set goals that inspire you as you grow your business, check out 7 Figure Altitude and see if it looks like a good fit. If it is, I invite you to fill out a quick application to join. If you have any questions, reach out!



Want to continue your house flipping / wholesaling journey? Here are a few more resources to check out…

Subscribe: Join the 7 Figure Flipping email list to get the latest house flipping and wholesaling secrets, plus insider access to real estate investing tips, training, and more! Click Here:

7 Figure Flipping Podcast: Subscribe and get more episodes like this one delivered to you every week! Click Here:

Facebook Group: We’ve built a community of serious investors who are learning and growing their businesses together. Join the Group on Facebook:

Grow Your House Flipping / Wholesaling Business WITHOUT Guesswork or Trial-and-Error

Find out EXACTLY what you need to be working on TODAY to do more deals, make more money, and free up your time.

Take The Quiz Below!

All Episodes

What I've Learned From 4 Years of Flip Hacking LIVE
September 22, 2020
How to Make Good Decisions
September 17, 2020
Virtual Wholesaling + Closing Deals Over the Phone
September 15, 2020
Flip Hacking LIVE 2020: Speakers & Topics (Sneak Peek!)
September 10, 2020
How Jesse Trujillo Flipped 60 Houses During COVID
September 8, 2020