I’ve seen a lot of real estate investors, entrepreneurs, and business owners crash and burn after a few years of HUGE success.

Not because of bad business decisions…

…but because of problems in their personal lives that they never saw coming until it was too late.

No one is immune to this.

It almost happened to me not long ago.

As entrepreneurs, sometimes we’re guilty of pushing “life stuff” to the side and pouring 110% of our effort and focus into growing our businesses, doing more deals, making more money…

We start postponing date nights…

We miss our kids’ games…

We stay up late working instead of relaxing with family…

We’re constantly plugged in…

Until one day all of these “small” things blow up into one “big” thing… divorce, depression, health problems.

So how do you defend against this?

How can entrepreneurs protect their families, their marriages, their relationships, and all the other things that REALLY matter in life while STILL working hard to achieve massive goals?

My friend Bill Wilder, founder of the Wilder Wellness Institute, has some advice.

Bill Wilder is the guy who helped me and my wife Lucy get our marriage back on track just over a year ago…

I asked him to join me on the 7 Figure Flipping Podcast today to share some of the things he’s learned and seen working with high-level entrepreneurs over the years.

This is IMPORTANT stuff.

Listen in now!

And just a heads up…

There’s a HUGE announcement at the end of this episode.

I’m launching a new mastermind group.

It’s limited to only 12 people.

It’s going to be like nothing we’ve done before…

Listen in to get the whole story!

Bill Wilder and his team and doing some incredible, life-changing stuff at the Wilder Wellness Center. If anything you’ve read or heard or seen in this episode resonates with you, reach out to Bill Wilder at intake@wilderwellnesscenter.com to connect with Bill and his team and find out how they can help you! Visit WilderWellnessCenter.com for more info.

- CLICK HERE: WilderWellnessCenter.com

Like I mentioned above, I'm launching a new mastermind group. This will be VERY different from anything we've done before. If you've listened to the whole episode and heard what this group is about and who it's for, and you want to join or learn more, send an email to info@7figureflipping.com and we'll chat!

Links and Resources

Flip Hacking LIVE 2024 is just around the corner...and this year is going to be like any other. Not only is it 100% virtual, we're also sharing our whole new asset-stacking framework (the “conveyor belt method”). This 3-day virtual event will give you the exact framework to use to “retire” with $10,000 per month in passive income. Hit the link below to learn more!

– CLICK HERE: FlipHackingLIVE.com

If you’re an experienced real estate investor and you’re ready to get around a community of active house flippers and wholesalers who will support you, hold you accountable, and push you to set goals that inspire you as you grow your business, check out 7 Figure Altitude and see if it looks like a good fit. If it is, I invite you to fill out a quick application to join. If you have any questions, reach out!

– CLICK HERE: 7FigureAltitude.com


Want to continue your house flipping / wholesaling journey? Here are a few more resources to check out…

Subscribe: Join the 7 Figure Flipping email list to get the latest house flipping and wholesaling secrets, plus insider access to real estate investing tips, training, and more! Click Here: https://7figureflipping.com/subscribe

7 Figure Flipping Podcast: Subscribe and get more episodes like this one delivered to you every week! Click Here: https://7figureflipping.com/listen

Facebook Group: We’ve built a community of serious investors who are learning and growing their businesses together. Join the Group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fliphacking/

Grow Your House Flipping / Wholesaling Business WITHOUT Guesswork or Trial-and-Error

Find out EXACTLY what you need to be working on TODAY to do more deals, make more money, and free up your time.

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All Episodes

What to Do When You Lose $100k on a Deal
February 24, 2021
What's Happening With Flip Hacking LIVE? (Huge Announcement)...
February 18, 2021
The GameStop Squeeze and Why I Left the Stock Market
February 17, 2021
This Mindset Hack is How You Grow
February 11, 2021
Was Walt Disney a Failure?
February 9, 2021